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10 Questions with Scott Michael Kimball

Scott Michael Kimball is a fellow artist and personal friend of mine, and the owner of Harshlands Entertainment, specializing in stop-motion comedy shorts. He also works as a photographer for, traveling around to dojos across the US for promotional work. He is an aspiring film director, the author of two very funny screenplays, as well as a Veteran and father of two young boys.

AM . What would be an influence of yours that may surprise your fans? SMK . This question requires more reflection on my part so right now I cannot answer.​ AM . How did you come to be involved within your specific field of work? SMK . I started by writing the full feature script for Dario Is Simple after an awkward situation happened in my own life. Once that script was done I wrote the full feature script for Intergalactic Booze Cruise shortly after. I have plans for another but took time off writing to work on short films; my kids and I were bored one day and decided to make a stop motion Video together. We enjoyed it and so we kept doing it. That brings me to right now, and I figure why stop? AM . What’s an activity, ritual, or tune you resort to when you need a motivational boost? SMK . Marijuana and meditation. Can I say that first part? AM . What do you do in your free time to unwind? I.e. hobbies, sports etc

SMK . Masturbate mostly. However I do also enjoy photography, hiking, camping, film, righteous parties, marijuana, football, soccer, meditation, and stuff.

AM . If you could remake any movie, be it one you enjoy or dislike, what would it be, and how would you approach it? SMK . Star Wars episodes 1, 2, and 3. I would start by completely scrapping them. Jar Jar Binks would never exist and that's the world I'd like to live in. AM . Would you rather be damned to watch the worst movie you’ve ever seen once a day for the rest of your life, or have a recurring nightmare that you’re stuck in that movie? SMK . Stuck in a movie. I mean if I have to watch the same movie every day that's two hours (give or take) of my life. Daily. Ain't no one got time for that! AM . If you could be in any band, what band would it be and what role would you play? SMK . Oh boy...who gets the most poon. That's really the question here. I'll go Aerosmith. Steven Tyler. AM . You’re cast in a buddy flick - what type of movie is it, and who’s your counterpart? SMK . I guess my answer to this one is that I've already written one (Dario is Simple). AM . What’s a fantasy job you’d love that’s unrelated to your current profession? SMK . James Bond. AM . A penguin walks into your house wearing a sombrero, and looks directly at you. What does he say? SMK . Trick question! He says nothing. Penguins can't talk silly. Id' like to thank Scott for taking the time to participate in my first 10 questions post, and you can check out his stuff by clicking the links below... @ScottKimball1 on Twitter


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